Nerd Business


Top 2 Most Popular Game Blogs on the Web

The most popular game blog on the web is Kotaku.

So what does that mean in business terms? How much is Kotaku worth?

Based on the Technorati top 100 blogs list Kotaku sits #18 among all blogs on the web. And at number 843 overall of all websites on the web according to Alexa.

Kotaku's exact revenue earnings are unknown. Yet we can get a close idea based on estimated revenue of another popular blog that has similar rankings...

We'll compare it to LifeHacker. This blog has an estimated revenue of about $700k per year according to Jason Calacanis. Jason's valuation of LifeHacker is relatively accurate given his background experience. He and his partner Brian Alvey created a blog empire of their own which sold to AOL for $25 million back in 2005.

The estimate is based on LifeHacker's $5 - $12 RPM (revenue per thousand pages). With 7 thousand pages LifeHacker should be doing about $35k to $84k each month in revenue - or about $700k per year.

Rated the #7 most popular blog by Technorati and #346 most popular website on the web by Alexa, LifeHacker has about double the popularity of Kotaku.


Blog Technorati Blog Rank Monthly Visitors Est. Annual Revenue Est.
Lifehacker #6 1.3 million $700k
Kotaku #18 0.7 million $350k

Lifehacker has an estimated 185% more web traffic and about a 3x better ranking on Technorati. We'll simplify this to say Lifehacker is about double the popularity and thus revenue of Kotaku.

So Kotaku makes a predicted $350,000 per year in advertising revenue. Typically a website on the low end will sell for at least 1x it's estimated annual revenue. Yet we know Kotaku would sell for a lot more than just $350k given it's history, brand image, and long term potential. This is the web's most popular blog after all. So a more realistic sale value would be about $2 million (5x annual revenue plus premium).


Gawker Media

Interestingly enough, LifeHacker and Kotaku are both owned by the same company: Gawker Media. Of it's network of 10 major blogs: LifeHacker, Kotaku, and Gizmodo make up for the bulk of Gawker Media's estimated $2 million per year advertising revenue.



Weblogs Inc

In the battle of the blog empires, Weblogs Inc may have higher ground on Gawker Media with it's network of about 50 major blogs including Engadget, TV Squad, Autoblog, and Joystiq...

Alongside Kotaku, Joystiq ranks in as the web's second most popular game blog and #44 overall most popular blog in the world according to Technorati.


Blog Technorati Blog Rank Monthly Visitors Est. Annual Revenue Est.
Lifehacker #6 1.3 million $700k
Kotaku #18 0.7 million $350k
Joystiq #44 0.4 million $175k

With just over half the estimated traffic of Kotaku and just less than half the performance ranking we can make a crude estimate that Joystiq's annual revenue is about $175k. Five times it's annual revenue plus a premium would make Joystiq worth about $1 million on the marketplace.